Pieces of Community

In the past two days I’ve spent a good amount of time with UU’ers (Unitarian Universalists).  I remain a “friend” of this community, as I had been an active participant for four years. Some Christians would tell you “don’t converse with unsaved folks.” But that NEVER made sense to me.  How are you supposed toContinue reading “Pieces of Community”

Lazy Pieces

This is a touchy subject for people of all faiths.  Getting complacent, lazy and expectant can lead to disappointment and further laziness. I’m very guilty of this.  I realized today, I hadn’t written in this blog since Christmas!!  Why had I decided it was no longer important?  Laziness. I forget to pray.  In the morningContinue reading “Lazy Pieces”

Pieces of Grace

The grace of God is always attainable, it’s nothing we have to do or say to make happen, it’s part of the many spiritual gifts available to us, “JUST” because our Father loves us. Acts 20:24  However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete theContinue reading “Pieces of Grace”

Pieces of Serenity

We all experience highs and lows in our daily lives.  Praying, meditating on God’s word, being in fellowship with like-minded people, all good for trying times. I have found that the Serenity Prayer works wonders when I need an easy-to-remember reminder of dealing with only right now. 2 Corinthians 12:9   But he said to me,Continue reading “Pieces of Serenity”

Pieces of discontent

There are many times in our life when we are annoyed with others.  We feel justified.  The world keeps spinning on its axis no matter what is going on with us. God expects us to be patient and kind and loving.  ALL, not most of the time.  We are not justified, and we all tooContinue reading “Pieces of discontent”